The following is a selection of text exchanges extracted from chat logs recorded in the Telegram channel “TrueBeliefNews” between September 5th, 2023 and February 28th, 2024. In some cases, punctuation and formatting were inserted to add clarity. Usernames have been removed in compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 5 U.S.C. § 552a. A fully unredacted version is available on file at the I&A archives for IC members with the appropriate security clearance.
September 5th, 2023 10:10am
“This is it lads, keep an eye on this story before it gets brushed away: Matches all the known patterns.”
“Wow, this is a big one! They can’t hide this under the rug, but they will certainly try. Is it known what extraterrestrial species it is?”
“My guess is Arcturians, or possibly Pledians based on the location/direction of travel- but I do not believe Pledians would reveal themselves like this and Pledians are not known to make mistakes. They are a very ancient and advanced race and are not typically interested in humanity.”
“I believe this has all the hallmarks of the Yahyel. They have been waiting to make open contact for decades, but Deep State has been preventing it. Yahyel do not fully understand the fact that DS does not represent all of humanity. Their planet does not have war, racism, or class struggle so they want to help us but do not understand the DS is working against the people.”
“Yahyel are said to possess advanced medical technology that can reset our DNA and heal all cellular damage. This timing is not a coincidence with the recent secret use of bioweapons and 5G rollout.”
“Yep- the Yahyel are one of the species that are distantly related to us via the seeding of Lyrian DNA, hence our compatibility with their med tech.”
…Something big going down on Feb 18?”
“This could be a Yahyel craft, but AFAIK Yahyel motherships have never been fully documented. They are benevolent but famously skiddish (some would say cautious). It is suspected they do not have ships as we understand them at all. Possibly some kind of teleportation network.”
“Could it be Yahyel on an Arcturian vessel perhaps?”
“Entirely possible. They have been known to collaborate in the past despite their differences. It’s suspected the craft at El Popo in 2012 was of Arcturian build, despite it behaving in an atypical way.”
“2012, so much was revealed that year...”
“I wonder how long before those poor astronomers who reported the craft get disappeared?”
“I have no sympathy for the scientists. Willing or unwilling, they are still supporters of the system. They are the ones perpetuating the lies by deciding in advance that it is natural and not artificial despite the overwhelming evidence. Still, I too am surprised this information was leaked.”
“I will say a prayer for them tonight. May they see the way.”
“They are beyond hope. Remember this is a battle of light vs darkness. They choose to sell their souls and work for the Deep State/New World Order.”
“I know you are right, but I will never give up on another human being. It is why we are here educating ourselves to teach others. All souls can be saved!”
“lol ‘human’. I suppose if you consider a bioengineered automaton to be human.”
“The best thing to do for now is keep eyes on this story before it inevitably gets scrubbed.”
“Right click > save as pdf lads, The Deep State is going to completely wipe this by tomorrow morning. They are extremely capable.”
“Aaaand here’s the distraction… right on schedule…”
“Funny how the climate has been on the verge of collapse for over a hundred years now. You’d think they would realize they are not fooling anyone at this point.”
“LOL keep banging that drum … surely, it’ll work this time.”
“They are fooling some people; my oldest son even sold his car for a bicycle. He is convinced the climate needs protecting.”
“As if the climate hasn’t been fine on its own for millions of years....”
“Sorry to hear that Jerry, my youngest is in college now and I worry for her. She is no longer going to church.”
“Yes, I worked so hard to send him to college and have opportunities I did not. College teaches facts but not how to think.”
“The greatest swindle ever pulled was convincing an entire generation to send their grown children away to brainwashing camps and tell them it’s for their own good. They scare you by saying you can’t get a job without a degree.”
“Exactly. I got a job just fine with a high school diploma. My father worked for 50 years as an engineer at IBM with a GED. The younger generation doesn’t know how to strive the way we did. They expect everything to come easy.”
“I am in high school and none of my classmates are even close to awake with this stuff yet. They just follow directions blindly and wait to be praised. It disgusts me! I feel like I was born after my time.”
“’Bunch of phonies right! lol Anthony u r Holden Crawford. Stay strong u have a good mind u give me hope for the future. Lead by example and teach ur classmates the truth as best u can.”
“DEGREE = Didn’t Ever Get Real Education or Experience”
“::laughing:: SO true.”
“Mine are two and five. I intend to home school. So scary what is going on in the public schools these days.”
“It is all head, no heart. Plenty of facts I’m sure, but they’re all useless without knowing how to think.”
“Not many facts these days either!!”
“Very true.”
“There is much to be hopeful for friends. More people are waking up every day. It’s up to us to keep spreading the word and doing the work. The good guys will win eventually but we cannot despair.”
“If we can keep these headlines in the news, this could be a real awakening. If it is the Yayhel coming to reveal themselves, they are almost certainly here to help us and usher humanity into a new era of enlightenment.”
“The world is about to be turned upside down for the sheeple. They will be forced to come to terms with the fact they have been living in the dark ages. They will be scared and confused, and we must welcome them with open arms.”
“Not me I am already lining up my ‘told you sos’ ::laughing:: can’t wait to see the look on my ex wife’s face.”
[A user has joined the chat]
“Who is this, can a mod ban please?”
“GTFO troll”
“Climate change is real, UFOs don’t exist, vaccines don’t cause autism, 5G is just a marketing phrase. For the love of God, get your heads out of your asses and join us in the real world!!”
“It is u sir who are lost. I will say a prayer for u tonight. May the wool be lifted from ur eyes. ::sadface::”
[moderator has banned a user from the chat]
“Thank you!!”
“Sorry about that, definite uptick in trolls lately.”
“It’s alright son, all part of the coordinated disinfo campaign against us. This is the misfortune we signed up for. We become targets at which the arrows of adversary are aimed. Stay brave, lads. We are the front line in this war on truth.”
“Still, I think I will make the chat invite-only for a while.”
“Good idea, at least until this latest wave of attacks dies down. I do not like the idea of closing ourselves off to the world, but precautions must be taken, we have women and young people here.”
October 20, 2023 2:15pm
“Some of my internet circles are saying there is a lot of commotion behind the scenes in DC today. Big news coming soon? Anyone have any more info?”
“Might be related to this: cancer_diagnosis&src=facepage”
“I saw that. Absolutely related to the leaked Francesca emails. Lots of damning evidence in there we are only starting to uncover. Secretary Townsend was mentioned by name several times in the leaks. People have been talking about something big going down on Feb 18th. My guess is a purge, and this is the start.
“…and the dominoes start to fall…”
“It doesn’t matter so long as there is corruption at the top. One toady replaced with another. I don’t believe they will ever truly come clean.”
“Yes, the mass resignations will be just to save face, but it still demonstrates that they are scared. Five, ten years ago you wouldn’t see this. They would just deny, deny, deny, and wait for the public to move on. At least now they are admitting guilt even if they’re not saying it directly.”
“How much you want to bet Townsend’s ’cancer’ gets him soon and his never before seen ‘twin brother’ gets appointed to be the new secretary before the year is over?”
“Francesca leak was huge, and we are only scratching the surface. They are scrambling to get ahead of this for sure. Expect lots of confusion and disinfo in the coming weeks.”
“I’ll put $20 towards that bet! lol”
“They don’t think the people are ready, and they are probably right. It would shatter the sheeples’ reality to know the truth. We have to do it right or we risk turning them away. Remember the Havana incident? Biggest evidence in a generation and yet the general populace stuck their heads in the sand because they couldn’t bear to see it for what it was.”
“Patience, Felix. We must hold the line! Learning the truth will be terrifying for many people. When the time comes, we will be the ones they will look to for calm and stability.”
“You’ll have many, many more years when the medical technology is shared with us. We just have to hold on a little longer until then. We did not ask for this knowledge, but we have a responsibility to shepherd the others when the time comes.”
“I have heard about the Havana crash, but I am not knowledgeable, can you tell me about it?”
“Yes absolutely; so, in the early-to-mid 90’s a ship, probably Arcturian, was spotted over Havana. Dozens of eyewitnesses. Multiple people claiming their cameras were confiscated but several did manage to sneak photos out. The ship allegedly crash landed after an EM attack by the CIA, and the debris was spread for miles. Most of the big stuff was cleaned up but some scraps of an unknown alloy managed to find their way into private hands. It’s the clearest evidence since Roswell. The DoD is allegedly declassifying the report this year, but we expect it to be heavily redacted.”
“Don’t hold your breath, it won’t ever be declassified, redacted or not. Total erasure from history.”
“I have always believed they allowed the Havana photos to leak. They went through all of them and only allowed the darkest and blurriest photos to be uploaded to the web. That way they can continue to deny, but at the same time toss the skeptical public scraps as needed in hopes it will satisfy them enough to stop asking questions.”
“This is a good overview on the topic (headphone warning): UFO VIDEO PROOF HAVANA 1994 COVERUP”
“The government essentially already admitted Havana was real back in ‘97. Remember the ‘crafting our future’ speech WJC gave in Milwaukee? He was trying to get us ready for what was to come.”
“You know I’ve heard that, but I never understood why Clinton would admit it. If Havana was a real crash (and all signs point to it being true) wouldn’t they do everything they could to keep it under wraps?”
“WJC was under fire for his botching of the Lewinski coverup. He was supposed to be their golden boy but couldn’t keep it in his pants. It derailed their whole plan, so as punishment they made him take the fall for Havana.”
“But why confirm the reports? If the plan is to keep it secret?”
“Sometimes they have to let little bits of the truth out in order to protect the main secret. There was already mountains of evidence from ordinary people going up online. The internet was brand new at the time, and they didn’t expect to see the truth laid bare like that for all to see. So they had to scramble, and four years later WJC was forced to openly signal to his cronies the craft was of extraterrestrial origin.”
“And yet my son is convinced the Milwaukee speech was about interest rates ::eyeroll::”
“It’s sad how some people r so scared to face the truth they believe anything mommy government tells them. I pray for ur son.”
“Thank you, he is a good kid- just lost. I hope he comes around. I am waiting for him.”
“WJC only admitted enough to allow for plausible deniability. Like I said- there is enough proof there that anyone with half a brain can figure it out and they knew it. They were just hoping to satisfy the skeptics and brush it under the rug. Clinton was an idiot but they know he wouldn’t do what Carter did and just blurt it out.”
“Carter was a patsy, they needed a stopgap president so the public wouldn’t catch onto ‘the pattern’. He was kept in the dark on all that. Literally. They kept Jimmy so doped up I don’t think he knew where he was half the time.”
“I think Cash-Landrum was a direct result of Carter leaving. They ramped everything back up again when they knew it was safe. They were comfortable with being bold again because they knew nobody would spill the beans before it was time. Anyone caught in the crossfire could just be called a crackpot and harassed for speaking up, thus ensuring their silence.”
“Like Alex Jones.”
October 29th, 2023 7:32am
“Gooooood morning my fellow awakened beings of light, have you all seen this latest fear mongering?”
“Hmmm let me guess, another virus variant?”
“Perhaps global warming is really honestly for serious happening this time?”
“No, but good guesses! Who had ‘comet or asteroid impact’ in the betting pool?”
“LOL called it. It’s obvious too many people woke up when they tried the plandemic, they had to escalate or risk losing the narrative.”
“If the New York Tribune is reporting it, you can safely trust the exact opposite to be true.”
“This story is clearly a distraction from the Francesca leaks and the Townsend resignation.”
“Oh definitely, and the Havana declassification last week.”
“Too bad there wasn’t much in the Havana report besides black ink! You know how expensive printer ink is?? And we wonder where our tax dollars are going. ::laughing::”
“They could save money and just use the paint from the black helicopters! ::laughing::”
“The fact that they felt they needed to redact so much tells you all you need to know about its veracity. The more they try to hide something the more you can trust it to be real.”
“Yes, as far as I’m concerned, the censorship confirms everything for me (As if there was any doubt beforehand). The only reason to block this much of the truth is if there is something to hide there.”
“Clearly, they felt the sheeple weren’t ready. Absolutely zero coverage in the mainstream media about it. Everyone talking about that damned asteroid heading for Panama or whatever.”
“The mainstream media is trying to make it a thing, but where I live people aren’t buying into the hype. I just got back from the store and not one person even brought it up. The public is smarter now; they’re not going to be so easily scared into submission.”
“I just worry when they have to start hurting real people so they can blame it on natural disasters or what have you. They won’t just back down if the public ignores them. They must always escalate.”
“It’s not enough to control the media, they have a need to control our minds, too. Truly sick.”
“There’s no chance this asteroid thing is dangerous, right? I have a teacher at school who is awake on a lot of issues, and who I really respect, but today he sounded very concerned. I didn’t know enough to chime in, but it worried me.”
“Not a chance, kid. Just live your life as normal and don’t let them get to you. If everyone ignores this thing and doesn’t let it fluster them, next week the narrative will change that it’s going to be a near miss. And they’ll come up with some other scare tactic.”
“So, what’s the truth then? Is there even anything out there or is it just totally made up? What about that suspected Yahelian craft from a few months ago?”
“The truth is for us to find, but we must work at it. Remember what Mark Twain said: ’A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth puts on its shoes’. The truth takes time, and we need to do our research. The price of being awakened is that it takes constant vigilance.”
“Well said. Sometimes that price can be very high. My sister barely speaks to me anymore, but I have accepted it as part of the journey. I have some contact with my nieces but it’s minimal as they are still minors. I miss them dearly, but I wouldn’t trade my knowledge and pull the wool back over my eyes (even if I could) just to have a relationship again. This is too important. All I can do is pray that one day they will understand I have been trying to help them all this time.”
“That day will come sooner than you expect! The white hats have been making big moves behind the scenes. We are getting close.”
“I hope you’re right!”
Some good sources about a new Francesca email development. People are saying they cracked some of the code words that were used.”
November 6th, 2023 2:35pm
“Notice how NOBODY is talking about the Francesca leaks all of a sudden? Just as the revelations about the secret parties were gaining traction. Hmmm ::thinking::”
“That’s why they are making so many sloppy mistakes. It’s a rush job. They needed something big and splashy so nobody would stop and look at the details. Just last week they were saying it was going to impact over Panama, but now they are saying it might be slowing down? Which (if you believe the mainstream narrative about how outer space works) is supposedly impossible.”
“Can’t even keep their own lies consistent.”
“Doesn’t need to be consistent as long as you can keep everyone scared and too frantic to think straight. Then you get to tell them it’ll all be ok if they give up just a liiiiitle more of their freedom.”
“The plandemic wasn’t scary enough to shift the poll numbers, they had to go bigger.”
12/5 December 5th 1997 = WJC ‘crafting our future’ speech.
1/25 January 25th 1961 = JFK gives first live TV conference
…On January 25th the reality will be revealed to all live on TV”
January 26, 2023, 12:22am
“I think they are taunting us, just like always. They are just trying to make us look bad and confuse us. I’m sure tomorrow you’ll see some paid actor on the news going ‘blah blah blah I was a true believer, and I was alllll wrong but THIS is the real deal.”
“Yeah lol then we’ll see that same person with a different name in a different shirt being interviewed on the other side of the country next month.”
“Does the public truly not see the pattern here? Last year there was a ‘war’, before that a ‘virus’, and an ‘election’ the year before that.”
“Even Pox News is reporting the craft as accurate. I have generally always trusted them, but this is worrisome.”
“If you think you can trust Pox then it is too late for you. They only exist to corral the straggling sheep that are too smart to walk directly into the slaughterhouse. Smart enough to be skeptical, but still too ignorant to be fully awake.”
“I don’t know, the photos look very convincing, and there are a lot of them. I called my brother in Mérida; he said he could see it with binoculars from his backyard.”
“And? The moon landing looked convincing too. Thankfully the vast majority of people don’t believe the narrative about that now. It doesn’t even take critical thinking skills to realize how that was faked. Just use your eyes.”
“‘The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’ -George Orwell, 1984”
“Someone probably just drew a spaceship on a post-it note and stuck it to the inside of the dome ::laughing::”
“You know, the fact that the force of a GIANT ROCKET’S EXHAUST didn’t stir up any of the allegedly ‘powdery’ lunar dust is all anyone needs to look at, imo.”
“But but- tHeReS nO AiR oN ThE MoOn tO BlOw iT ArOuNd.”
“Will all this hysteria you know the powers that be are planning something big. I mean they are always planning something, but this time it must be really big.”
“The bigger the lie the bigger the truth that’s being distracted from.”
“Yep, they are really be scared this time. They know we are over the target. Too bad their plan won’t work. Too many are awake at this point. Their only choice is to keep escalating, keep ratcheting up the tension, but eventually the stories will get too crazy for anyone to believe, and the false narrative will come crashing down like a house of cards.”
“I believe it will happen soon. I can feel something big coming. Does anyone else feel it? It’s hard to pin down like this is all pointing somewhere. I believe it will be good.”
“Yes, definitely soon. Lots of big moves being made behind the scenes lately. Lots of big discoveries unearthed.”
“Soon all will be revealed.”
February 18th, 2023 5:15pm
“I swear you guys are my last connection to sanity and reality. I have been arguing with my wife all morning. I thought I did a good job with teaching her the truth, but this latest propaganda piece is undoing years of hard work.”
“Did you see the latest video from GNN? It’s so laughably fake I can’t believe they’re playing it off as real. I’m sorry your wife bought into it. This effort is crude even for them.”
“I know! Look at the grass in the lower left corner, no movement at all. They expect us to be fooled by this? It’s so obviously fake. Just trying to distract us as usual.”
“I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. It’s like they’re not even trying.”
“They’re not trying, that’s the point. They’re taunting us. This is how they get off, sick bastards. They display the truth right in front of us and then tell us we can’t see it. Then they pull stunts like this to prove how powerless we are to stop them. And the public swallows it up! I pray for the sheep blindly obeying. My brother is one of them, he won’t speak to me about this stuff anymore.”
“‘Such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk they deceive the hearts of the naive.’ -Romans 16:18”
“Does anyone have the raw video of the alleged landing last week? I am 99.9% sure they’re using recycled footage from a Star Trek Voyager episode. I need to upload a new video to my channel ASAP before people start to buy into this garbage.”
“Different angle:”
“That same patch of grass from this other angle is moving when Flannery steps on it, but it still looks off. Likely a rushed CGI job. And look at the lights, it’s supposed to be 4pm but they need these giant bright theater lights?”
“Obviously a soundstage somewhere. Try as they might no amount of money can fake what mother nature provides for free. As to why they didn’t film outdoors, they likely didn’t want anyone to stumble across the set while it was under construction.”
“I suspect the lighting setup was supposed to be off-camera but accidentally made it into a released photo so now they have to play along and pretend it’s intentional.”
“’The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears…’”
“Yes, the cover story is that the craft absorbs 99% of EM waves so they needed extra lighting to illuminate the surrounding area. Personally, I do not buy it, but that’s what they’re saying.”
“RADIO waves are not LIGHT waves.”
“What about all last month when it was allegedly ‘glowing’ during the slowdown? First it’s glowing and now it’s blacker than black?”
“Have y’all ever seen ‘vampa black’? It’s a pigment that absorbs all light. Whatever it’s applied to is so dark it almost looks like it’s a hole. It’s creepy but very interesting! Maybe they covered the ‘spacecraft’ with that?”
“Occam’s razor says the simplest solution is the truest one. It is much likelier that they just made a mistake and are trying to hide the fact that it’s all being filmed on a soundstage. Why waste money on some exotic pigment when you could just make up lies?”
“It does look very dark now. Everything is black, yet the surrounding grass and trees are bright. Well, except for the symbol.”
“I laughed out loud when I saw that symbol on the side of the ‘craft’, It’s literally the EXACT same as the center of the United Nations logo, except they moved some continents around, so that it looks more like ‘Zetar’ or whatever they’re going to call it. Amateur hour.”
“I found an independent live stream of the quote-unquote ‘landing site’. Probably prerecorded but still might be worth keeping an eye on to spot mistakes:”
“Sure is convenient that it touched down in an empty part of a country nobody has heard of...”
“It’s not a coincidence that ‘Belize’ sounds like ‘believe’. They are using subliminal messaging to make the medicine go down smoother.”
“Yes, neurolinguistic programming is nothing new, the Soviets used it to prevent democratic ideas from taking hold in people’s minds. The populace was literally incapable of conceiving concepts like freedom. Research the KGB project Triple Beam. Same thing is happening here.”
“Too bad I don’t Belize their bogus distraction! ::laughing::”
…Not to be confused!! Close but no cigar!! Thank you try again!!”
“Anyway, back to reality… what are the latest discoveries from the Francesca emails?”
“I am doing mega research on them this week. Stayed up all night last night.”
“Something happening on the live stream.”
“Anything we can use?”
“Yes, several big discoveries, pretty sure I identified another code word.”
“Not so dark anymore…”
“Fascinating. Can’t wait to read your results.”
“Oh my god.”
“Yes, I should have a new video up by Tuesday.”
“What is happening?”
“Looking forward to it!”
“Is it… opening?”
“This is a seriously high budget production.”
[A new user has joined the chat]
[Greetings Humanity of planet Earth. We are the Yahel. We are communicating with you directly on all possible electronic communication channels to ensure our message is not misrepresented. We come to your planet in the name of peace and friendship. We bring with us gifts of our medical technology as a demonstration of our good will. In our galaxy there exists a galactic confederation of worlds and sentient species that cooperate in peace to better ourselves. It is our hope that humanity will one day join us in cooperation. However, we believe in a fundamental right for cultures to determine their own future. Today we only wish to say ‘hello’.
We have visited your world many times over the past six-hundred of your years and recognized that humanity was gifted with the light of sentience. We sought to learn all that we could about you, so as to make our eventual introduction as nonintimidating as possible. Throughout that time, we have been in communication with many of your world’s governments, however our species has no concept of things such as inequality or racism. Once we fully understood these ideas, we realized that not all governments would convey our intentions with the accuracy required, and some may have even used our arrival as a means to further control their populace.
As a result, we have made the decision to bypass your governments and communicate directly with as many members of humanity as we can on all open channels. We arrive with arms extended in friendship. It is our hope that this introduction represents the beginning of a new world order for your planet, and a brighter future for both of our species. We are happy to answer all of your questions.]
“…hang on, is this chat open to the public again?”
“mod i thought u made the chat private?”
[moderator has banned a user from the chat]
“GTFO troll”
“Thank u mod!”
February 28th, 2023 4:15am
“NY Tribune is reporting two more craft over Tunisia and Beijing”
“If the NY Tribune is reporting it, you can reliably trust that it’s not true.”
“Convenient that these totally real spaceships keep showing up over areas that nobody actually lives in.”
“HOW is nobody seeing this obvious performance for what it is? Just got off a 40-minute phone call with my son who was ‘shocked and disappointed’ to hear I didn’t drink the mainstream media’s kool-aid. First time he’s talked to me in months, and it broke my heart to see his eyes are still closed.”
“Hold the line and do not despair, we are the keepers of the flame. The secret knowledge is our responsibility to protect and spread. It’s going to be up to us to help others come to terms with it once the truth is revealed. It won’t be easy for the public to learn what may seem obvious to us. The Deep State and NWO is strong.”
“These Yahelian med beds will be the end of humanity if we’re not careful. Just entering one changes your DNA. It’s a literal mark of the beast.”
“A friend of mine has stage IV pancreatic cancer and used the med bed (against my warnings). Two days later he is suffering from the worst headaches he’s ever had. This is population control plain and simple.”
“Felix, for the love of God, whatever you do- do NOT use the med beds!!”
This document was edited and partially redacted. A fully unredacted version of this document is on file at the I&A archives available for those IC Members with the appropriate clearance. 22 I.A § 450C
Thank you for reading, I hope this new year finds us all a little more digitally grounded than the last. And if anyone reading this has any connections in the world of publishing that might be interested in printing this for real I’d love to be put in touch. (It’s hard out there for newbies!)
Can you provide some context? This reads like some schizophrenic chat log and I have no idea what any of that means.